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This is Bragge's Newspaper.
If it's boring/annoys you, stop.
If not, continue.
Discuss, but stay human. Earth is 4,6 billions years old, you?

European Championship of thiefs

19 Ден 6,060, 09:32 Објавено во Russia Russia Наредби за битка Наредби за битка


Thank you, first of all, to the eNetherlands for hosting our team of medal hunters in their Tws.

Since we have european

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10 Ден 5,992, 12:28 Објавено во Russia Russia Финансиски деловни активности Финансиски деловни активности


Click this link, go to minute 12:54 and continue reading.

Are you sure to follow the instructions?

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extremly autistic skyheroes

2 Ден 5,961, 18:26 Објавено во Russia Russia Наредби за битка Наредби за битка

Triariii once told me, i would lose more than i would win. Well, take a look at following screens, i think i win enough.

Reminder: If you capture a sky hero from the extremly autistic shitheads skyheros, send me the link and get 45 000 cc.

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Ask yourself

2 Ден 5,939, 22:48 Објавено во Russia Russia Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

While all is boring, maybe something new will happen, but still it's going on like it was the day before. Plato appears:

And many will have fear, beacause they know,

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Happy new Year, happy Hunting.

5 Ден 5,886, 18:24 Објавено во Russia Russia Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

If you want a short version, scroll down to the end

Great story ahead, I was looking for sucateir2, he usually is in Poland, where his resident is, and is waiting like a spider for his prey. Considering the amount of battles he has … прочитај повеќе »