European Championship of thiefs

Day 6,060, 09:32 Published in Russia Russia by Bragge Schorsch De Elite


Thank you, first of all, to the eNetherlands for hosting our team of medal hunters in their Tws.

Since we have european championship in football, i decided to start a world cup here in erepublik. with a little help, the chosen country by random was...


Now, you have one week (starting tomorrow) to hunt as many sky hero rewards from this shithole country, make a screenshot of every medal you hunted and on sunday evening, send it to me. The player with the most hunted sky heros will win. The formula for calculating prize in gold or currency if you prefer is:

Number of stolen sky heros*participating players/10

Actual wars does not count, but as you can see, the bigger the number of thiefs having fun in hunt-all-columbian-pilotes is, the bigger will be the reward. 10+ participants will be adding a second place prize, 15+ players a thrid. Have fun.