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Asking the AAP for Re-election

3 Giorno 356, 13:55 Pubblicato in USA USA

Fellow AAP members,

Today I stand before you in asking for your support in re-election as AAP Party President. I have served over the last month as hard and as reliably as I could, and we have seen great results.

I took over in a few

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Some General APP News

0 Giorno 347, 04:37 Pubblicato in USA USA

Hey everyone, I wanted to annouce. Firstly, if you are in the AAP and not on our forums I want to really urge you to join. It helps the party stay united and communications are a higher decree better. Registering is free and it is a pretty good

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Congressman Citizen HEM Oppose New Wage Proposal

2 Giorno 339, 12:43 Pubblicato in USA USA

Everyone, I want to be frank. I strongly oppose the new wage proposal.

I made a proposal before, because it was very clear our companies were hurting under 5 USD min. wage. However, we also need to not only remember our companies, but also the

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My Congressional Race

3 Giorno 338, 17:32 Pubblicato in USA USA

Citizens of Ohio,

I want to annouce my intention to run for Congressman for the State of Ohio. I have shown my commitment to this city time after time, but drafting up plans that will not only benefit this state, but also the entire country.

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AAP News: General Thoughts

3 Giorno 334, 17:19 Pubblicato in USA USA

Hey everyone, Today I want to issue some plans and goals I have for my term. I want to make sure the world realizes, that despite how disappointing V1 is for us all, that the AAP still has a leader that sees hope for this new world.
I hope that

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