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AAP PP Resignation

8 Giorno 372, 08:17 Pubblicato in USA USA

World, People, Citizens.

I come before you today to tender my resignation from the Party Presidency of the AAP. I feel I have served well in the past, but this last term some real world issues have hit me, and I feel I am not suitable to

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Thank You AAP

1 Giorno 362, 12:50 Pubblicato in USA USA

Gah! I wrote this up really nice once, but then lost it because my sever went down. So apologies this isn't more epic!

Firstly, thank you AAP for re-electing me. I appreciate the confidence you have in my and my work hence far. I do want to

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Don't Forget to Vote!

3 Giorno 361, 05:13 Pubblicato in USA USA

So. Its time.

I have enjoyed this week or so campaigning against Leo Ruby, although it has been hard. He has good ideas and loves the party as much as I do, so campaigning against him has been a problem lol

This campaign I have tried to

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Vote Citizen HEM for AAP Party President!

4 Giorno 359, 16:47 Pubblicato in USA USA

My fellow AAP Members, my friends and my partymen!

I stand before you tonight to ask you to allow me to serve another term as your Party President. I stand here with not only a long list of accomplishments, but a long list of things that are yet

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My Answers in the AAP Forum Debate

3 Giorno 358, 14:36 Pubblicato in USA USA

There are the answers to the debate questions we had on the AAP forums. Just thought the non-forum members and non AAP members may be interested
What would you do to help party membership grow?

Firstly, I want to start an incentives

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