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Bulgarian Foreign Policy! Външната политика на България!

58 Giorno 1,543, 14:57 Pubblicato in Bulgaria Bulgaria Svago Svago

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Сръбското предателство

78 Giorno 1,541, 02:22 Pubblicato in Bulgaria Bulgaria Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Последните политически събития доказаха за пореден път, че на Балканите вечни приятели няма. Вчерашното решение на България и Сърбия да сключат договор за ненападение подписа окончателната смъртна присъда на Македония и символичната смърт на ОНЕ като

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Carebears Reborn! Завръщането на мечите!

30 Giorno 1,534, 16:09 Pubblicato in Bulgaria Bulgaria Svago Svago

Friends and Foes,

After a year of oblivion and aimless wandering the Carebears have gathered again to save the eWorld from the dark forces.

Long time ago the Demi-God Emperor and Ruler of the Bulgarian Kingdom Ealendil created an elite

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Sorry seems to be the hardest word! [EN] [ES] [BG]

75 Giorno 1,531, 18:24 Pubblicato in Bulgaria Bulgaria Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Dear reader,

In the last couple of days Bulgaria has been witnessing some obstacles and steady deterioration of its relationship with Argentina. Many of us believe that this lost of trust is based on Argentina's tensions with Chile. Yet for

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OfficiaI Statistics of TMI in eBuIgaria! U mad?

77 Giorno 1,517, 09:30 Pubblicato in Bulgaria Bulgaria Svago Svago

Dear Reader,

As you may know in the last couple of days a marginal group of the eBuIgarian society has been struggling to accept the notion of eTurkey as a friend. In fact the same people over and over again through racist comments and
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