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Please vote and shout this article to reach more Eden citizens

Goodbye brothers! o7

43 Giorno 1,584, 16:29 Pubblicato in Bulgaria Bulgaria Svago Svago

No point of writing long articles today. The end of this era has finally come. I have been expecting that in the last couple of months and did my best to stop it. Mission unsuccessful.

Eden for me was not about fighting against the common enemy.

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The state of affairs: BG-TR-GR-Eden future

48 Giorno 1,581, 23:08 Pubblicato in Bulgaria Bulgaria Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

So many things have happened recently that it seems that the article would get a bit longer again. For that reason no further introduction but str8 to the point.

Bulgarian – Turkish soap opera

I wasn’t sure whether … leggi di più »


445 Giorno 1,564, 17:25 Pubblicato in Bulgaria Bulgaria Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Dear Eden citizens

As you already know the HQ has suspended Bulgaria's full Eden membership until we sort out our problems with Turkey.

HQ summit
I insist on removing Bg privileges - such as voting, paying fee, attending

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Where do we go?

122 Giorno 1,562, 08:49 Pubblicato in Bulgaria Bulgaria Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Today I’m going to discuss a few topics that I believe are relevant to the current situation. This article does not offer a solution but just analysis and possible outcomes of the Bulgarian foreign affairs.

First of all I want to congratulate

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Другата истина

102 Giorno 1,548, 13:30 Pubblicato in Bulgaria Bulgaria Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Hey guys,

This article is dedicated to the shameful actions of the current Bulgarian government and aims to explain to the general population what is really going on in the country from my perspective.

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