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News about plans, wars and alliances

16 Giorno 1,555, 09:39 Pubblicato in Canada Canada Analisi di guerra Analisi di guerra

Hello 🙂

One of the things I like more in this game is the writing of articles. My favorite topic is foreign affairs. Of course it is much more pleasant when I do it in Bulgarian but since I’m an eCanadian citizen I have no option but to write in

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Bulgaria vs EDEN HQ

17 Giorno 1,542, 08:00 Pubblicato in Canada Canada Analisi di guerra Analisi di guerra

It all started when Turkey left ONE and on the next day they were already a trial member of EDEN. It was a surprise for everyone including the Bulgarians. It’s not a secret that we don’t like them. May be because there are numerous cases when they

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News from Bulgaria

10 Giorno 1,540, 15:03 Pubblicato in Canada Canada Analisi di guerra Analisi di guerra

Hello Canada 🙂
It’s been a while since my previous article as an ambassador and it’s time to inform you about the latest news from Bulgaria.
Here is the current situation on Balkans:

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Обръщение към българите с канадско гражданство

33 Giorno 1,539, 10:07 Pubblicato in Canada Canada Svago Svago

I’m sorry but this article is for all the Bulgarians who have Canadian citizenship so I’ll write it in Bulgarian.

Както знаете аз съм българският посланик тук, а същевременно съм и депутат в канадския парламент. В тази си позиция трябв

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Sad but true

53 Giorno 1,530, 03:43 Pubblicato in Canada Canada Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

No, I’m not going to talk about Metallica although I like this song. This is from their concert in Bulgaria few years ago. I’m not going to talk about their concert either but I’m going to talk

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