Bulgaria vs EDEN HQ

Day 1,542, 08:00 Published in Canada Bulgaria by egad

It all started when Turkey left ONE and on the next day they were already a trial member of EDEN. It was a surprise for everyone including the Bulgarians. It’s not a secret that we don’t like them. May be because there are numerous cases when they cheated, may be because when both countries were still Phoenix’s members (i.e. allies) they organized a massive attack over our holdings in Iran or because for around a year they were members of Phoenix, then Terra, then ONE and now EDEN. Probably I could continue with this list but I think that is more than enough to ask yourself “What kind of ally is that?” I guess that the fact they are our neighbors makes us to see the things a bit more in detail. So after all that you know why we don’t want them as our ally or as a member of our alliance.

Here is the thing that after they have left ONE and joined EDEN we started to win almost every battle and the global war has changed vastly. Logically the EDEN HQ tries everything to make us change our mind so that our alliance can keep its domination.

Yesterday there was a meeting of the presidents of EDEN. The results of it are described in the official government statement. In brief EDEN said that if Bulgaria doesn’t accept Turkey as a member then EDEN will not help Bulgaria anymore. This and some other disrespectful comments made the Bulgarian government temporary to stop its support for their allies. Mad of all this many Bulgarians are now fighting for whoever they want even for ONE. It’s not good but it’s a fact.

If you want to see the situation through the eyes of the Bulgarians you better read this article.