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Motive Fallacy

24 Giorno 668, 20:59 Pubblicato in Japan Japan

This is something I feel needs to be said as of recent events. For those that don't know what Motive Fallacy is keep reading and I will happily explain. To make it clear, I have not been a victum of this type of ploy. I have simply noticed it, that

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The Flame of Anor

11 Giorno 655, 23:23 Pubblicato in Japan Japan

Note: Posted on behalf of the citizen who does not own his own newspaper. I hope you will all welcome him with open arms!

Hello. I am Angalmo. Some of you may know me better as either Hitoshi Makoto (my unofficial official name) or … leggi di più »


13 Giorno 651, 20:37 Pubblicato in Japan Japan

A lot of what I plan to do as president is in my lengthy articles from last term. With this article I plan to revise all the changes I am thinking of. I apologize in advance if it is too long. For my policy last term just click my newspaper icon and

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More Into O'residency

16 Giorno 622, 20:06 Pubblicato in Japan Japan

Vote Oraizan on the fifth for President! (Yes, I AM running again!)

What I Have Done

I started my career before even being voted into congress, changing Japan. I used my milestone gold in my early days to donate to people,

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16 Giorno 617, 22:00 Pubblicato in Japan Japan

My god, wait I don't believe in god. MY BUDDHA, that was a lot of inbox spam.

After reading through 30+ messages, and even more comments all saying something similar to "You canceled your candidacy T_T" I have to say one thing. Or rather, I

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