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Brainstorming - Activity

10 Giorno 740, 15:49 Pubblicato in Austria Austria

One of the biggest problems in Austria I think is the activity level of -everybody-. Now that I'm in congress I want to open up and see if all of Austria can work to try and change it. Everybody knows the bottom line for country problems is -always-

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New Face to Austria - Oraizan's Hello

45 Giorno 726, 19:31 Pubblicato in Austria Austria

Hey Austrians, I'm finally here! I'll try and keep this short.

My Past:
I have been envoled in eJapan for almost 8 months. I was MoFA, President, Congresswoman, Secretary of Culture and Events, and tons more. Along with my friends, we

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Thank you Japan!

32 Giorno 686, 07:06 Pubblicato in Japan Japan

This will be just a quick update letting you know what I am doing!

Yesterday was probably both nerve wrecking and tons of fun, depending on who you talk to. It was a close race for president, and I would like to congratulate my opponent for doing

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Cabinet and Things

42 Giorno 680, 14:14 Pubblicato in Japan Japan

This is the breakdown of the Cabinet I hope to establish. If there are any problems as I said, I am glad to work on it with the citizens.

Vice President - Tohru. Tohru is active at times that I am not. She always knows what I am … leggi di più »


13 Giorno 678, 00:34 Pubblicato in Japan Japan

When I was taking a break I got a little crazy, so please don't hold any of this seriously against me. I know its lame, hehe. It also is purely fictional! I can't win, but I thought this would be a fun play on things.

On the 677th day of The

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