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Official newspaper of the eSerbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Thank you Mexico

34 Hari ke 1,041, 13:35 Diterbitkan di Mexico Mexico

The battle for Liaoning was a harsh one. It was one of the most difficult battles of V2. Only with the help our allies could this be won. The time and money you have invested in this was invaluable for us. We couldn't have won this without you.

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Thank you Colombia

22 Hari ke 1,041, 13:35 Diterbitkan di Colombia Colombia

The battle for Liaoning was a harsh one. It was one of the most difficult battles of V2. Only with the help our allies could this be won. The time and money you have invested in this was invaluable for us. We couldn't have won this without you.

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Thank you Serbia

44 Hari ke 1,041, 13:33 Diterbitkan di Serbia Serbia

Овај текст је објављен у савезничким земљама. ако вас не мрзи, кликните на претходне чланке па их изгласајте. Уколико не разумете шта пише, онда не знате Енглески. Такође гласајте и на следећих неколико јер сам пропустио неке земље када сам објављива

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Thank you Latvia

39 Hari ke 1,041, 13:29 Diterbitkan di Latvia Latvia

The battle for Liaoning was a harsh one. It was one of the most difficult battles of V2. Only with the help our allies could this be won. The time and money you have invested in this was invaluable for us. We couldn't have won this without you.

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Thank you Lithuania

22 Hari ke 1,041, 13:25 Diterbitkan di Lithuania Lithuania

The battle for Liaoning was a harsh one. It was one of the most difficult battles of V2. Only with the help our allies could this be won. The time and money you have invested in this was invaluable for us. We couldn't have won this without you.

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