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Official newspaper of the eSerbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

eSerbia salutes eLietuva!

67 Hari ke 1,088, 13:22 Diterbitkan di Lithuania Lithuania

It may come as a bit of a surprise to you to learn that this article isn't here to ask anything from you. We don't need you to fight here, or to move there, and to everyone's great surprise we certainly didn't come here to ask for some donations.

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Нови тим МСП в2

56 Hari ke 1,083, 10:37 Diterbitkan di Serbia Serbia

Интро песма тима МСП

Srecko Ilic Предсlebih lanjut »

Welcome back Russia

146 Hari ke 1,073, 11:35 Diterbitkan di Russia Russia

MoFA - 1073. - Welcome back Russia

Dear Citizens of Russia, on behalf of Serbia we send you message

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Србијо, Црна Гора те треба!

44 Hari ke 1,069, 07:34 Diterbitkan di Serbia Serbia

МСП - 1069. - Србијо, Црна Гора те треба!

Поштовани грађани Србије, поводом конгресних избора у Црној Го

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Message of friendship from Serbia

123 Hari ke 1,063, 11:36 Diterbitkan di North Macedonia North Macedonia

MoFA - 1063. - Message of friendship from Serbia

Dear Citizens of Republic Macedonia, today I have the

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