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34th Congress

1 Hari ke 1,041, 16:04 Diterbitkan di USA USA

I'll be putting my goals for Congress in this topic:

[X] Correctly classify the Brolliance

[ ] Reinstate (certain) committees


[ ] Start a 6th party crusade

[ ] Get interest in the

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Election Results

4 Hari ke 1,040, 21:54 Diterbitkan di USA USA

I thought about writing an article about the results of the elections.

I decided to post pictures of kittens dressed up instead.


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About Lionking...

5 Hari ke 1,037, 16:03 Diterbitkan di USA USA

Is it really worth taking? I'm not sure, I'm just curious what my readers are thinking.

It's the biggest fortress in the game, costing about … lebih lanjut »

New Politics in New Mexico!

10 Hari ke 1,036, 19:08 Diterbitkan di USA USA

It's time, America.

It's time for me to throw my hat in the congressional race in New Mexico. I promise to keep this short and sweet.

This will be my fifth election. I've lost my last three due to last minute snipes. No more.[/lebih lanjut »

Hey, MMF2

6 Hari ke 1,026, 16:09 Diterbitkan di USA USA

I distinctly remember you saying any article about you reaches the top 5...

18:07 Max_McFarland_2 says Haliman is awesome


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