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USWP Congressional Elections: October!

11 Hari ke 1,057, 16:35 Diterbitkan di USA USA

Let's do it all over again.

Last election, we earned our first plurality since rebirth.

We said things must change for the last election, and indeed they have!

Fellow zombies, help us

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I Concede: Vote for Laxsnor!

14 Hari ke 1,057, 14:31 Diterbitkan di USA USA

In the closest election in USWP history, a decision has been made.

With a final tally of:

Laxsnor: 28

Haliman: 28

CivilAnarchy: 4

That's right. An exact tie. I hereby concede the election to Laxsnor to keep the

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29 Hari ke 1,051, 18:40 Diterbitkan di USA USA

This is a bit early, but...

The past four months have been uneventful, when it comes to PP diversity. Jude had two terms (due to popularity, and skill), and Fionia had two terms (much of the same).

That's four months of little to no truly

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Letter from an eUS Citizen

28 Hari ke 1,047, 10:05 Diterbitkan di Greece Greece

Hey Greece.

Most of you don't know me (this is my first article to a friendly country, /me thinks) but, I'm just a citizen from the eUS.

I think I speak for all of us when I say thanks for all the support in the past. You guys are a

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2 Hari ke 1,044, 19:55 Diterbitkan di USA USA

Congress is fixing it

If you guys are curious how... clicky!

Expect short but informative articles like this 😛

~H … lebih lanjut »