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[E$O....P FRIXY AND SCOBA D] The Collab of titans

6 Hari ke 2,894, 14:10 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Yo Yo Yo,

This is a rap.

We ain’t no crap,
This ain’t no trap,
So go away you tree sap.

Scoba D and E$O….P,
We ain’t no number three,
We have the Frixy hyah,
We will be numero uno,
And you’ll be in ESO.

Yo yo, Scoba D take the

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[ESO] Can't Stop. Won't Stop. Now with Music

6 Hari ke 2,892, 10:17 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

[omg] NO BANNER NEEDED! [/omg]

listen 2 this as u rea😛


My name is Frix. And I'm the vPP of ESO. We are the best. Our members our cool.

I am here to show

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[E$O....P FRIXY] The Debut Single

25 Hari ke 2,891, 08:39 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Yo, this is my first rap:

Hey Aleks V,
You are the t of the p,
Top of the pops of course,
cos not even woldy can top yah.

He is a member of ESO,
Who we know are the besto,
UKPP, you can try,
UKRP they are permanent TP's
WRP smell of pee,

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[Opposition] Mid Term Scrutiny

11 Hari ke 2,889, 03:57 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Hello all,

This article is an offical update on the opposition of Sambo's Nifty Government.
We have held one meeting, but it was stopped after this happene😛

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The day of days

5 Hari ke 2,886, 15:07 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Analisis pertempuran Analisis pertempuran

The Battle of Britain is a massive battle taking place in Britain (obviously). We are under attack from USA and Canada. We must defend our nation or else there will be no Britain. Vote for Sir Appelby.

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