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Weekly News (Part 1)

2 Nap 660, 07:34 Megjelenés helye: Netherlands Netherlands

This week we will publish the weekly news in 2 parts. Part 2 will be published within the next hours.

Home Affairs

It is quite busy in the Home affairs office. People come and go and my wife keeps calling when i … több »

[Information] IRC channels and the UNL Forum

9 Nap 657, 09:46 Megjelenés helye: Netherlands Netherlands

As we think communication is really important we have 3 IRC channels where people can discuss, ask things or just have fun!

Server: irc.rizon.net
Channel: #eUNL (English only)
Channel: #eUNL-nl (Dutch only)
Channel: #eUNL-fr (French only)


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Tutorial: Wellness

3 Nap 657, 06:38 Megjelenés helye: Netherlands Netherlands

DanielB1989 (former president of the Netherlands) made a couple of months ago a good article on wellness. I have made some changes to the article to make it up to date.

Wellness is an everyday struggle for the erepublik citizens. New több »

Weekly news from the Government

5 Nap 654, 09:45 Megjelenés helye: Netherlands Netherlands

The minister of Media & health is very happy that he can post the first weekly news of this government!!

Last wednesday the government had their first IRC meeting. We discussed several issues.

Subjects we talked about :

- The

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The introduction of the Government

1 Nap 654, 08:16 Megjelenés helye: Netherlands Netherlands

The new government started last sunday with their job. Because this government has a lot of new faces and we also have a lot of new players, i thought it would be a good idea to let the ministers and the president make a little introduction of

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