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[UNL] last weekly news

3 Nap 676, 07:20 Megjelenés helye: Netherlands Netherlands

The government started 26 days ago with the following crew:

Prime Minister: Slivever BP
Foreign affairs: Smook McSmok LSD
State companies & Gold market: Apotgyma BP
Media & Health : Deviltje

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Congressmen, Please Vote YES

3 Nap 674, 14:32 Megjelenés helye: Netherlands Netherlands

Due to a mistake a lot of gold was put in the state account. This was not something we wanted.

So now a proposal is made to get it out



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[INFO]The UNL Constitution

1 Nap 673, 01:17 Megjelenés helye: Netherlands Netherlands

The constitution group, a group open to all UNL citizens, has written a constitution for the United Netherlands. A referendum will be held and all UNL citizens registered on the eUNL forum will be able to vote for or against this constitution.

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[INFO] Governement Meeting

24 Nap 672, 10:17 Megjelenés helye: Netherlands Netherlands

Dear Citizens,

As you all know last week a lot has happened in the UNL.
Sundaynight the government and the partypresidents of the top 5 parties had a meeting on IRC. The meeting was arranged by our Prime Minister Olv007. Unfortunately not all

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[UNL]Weekly News

9 Nap 669, 07:45 Megjelenés helye: Netherlands Netherlands

Last week a lot has happened. Some citizens tried to take over GVD, 2 citizens tried to rob the state treasury, there where some discussions between LSD and I&W and our president isn't active at the moment (read this article for more info)
Not all

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