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This is the Personal Newspaper of Kevy Shabado. The main series of article in this newspaper is to do with Population Statistics. I gather the population of each country currrently every 2 weeks and compare determining a winner and loser. I sometimes write other articles. too. :)

Population Statistics 4th July - Region Swaps and a War of Pride

37 Nap 957, 10:02 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello. Welcome to another edition of eWorld Population Stats! There are two new sections to my article this week; Upcoming country and Timeline Graphs. 🙂

First … több »

Population Statistics 27th June - Another Poland Baby boom?

38 Nap 950, 15:05 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello. Welcome to another edition of eWorld Population Stats!

For new readers of my article

I have used több »

Population Statistics 20th June - War, War and more War!

72 Nap 943, 09:19 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello. Welcome to another edition of eWorld Population Stats!
Firstly I’ … több »

Focus on: eBrazil Population Statistics

24 Nap 941, 16:15 Megjelenés helye: Brazil Brazil

Hello eBrazil and welcome to my article focusing on you as a country. If you do not know me already I write a successful article series on the [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/population-statistics-13th-june-someone-has-a-baby-boom-yay--

több »

Population Statistics 13th June - Someone has a baby boom! Yay!

67 Nap 936, 09:04 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello. Welcome to another edition of eWorld Population Stats!

több »