Population Statistics 27th June - Another Poland Baby boom?

Day 950, 15:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello. Welcome to another edition of eWorld Population Stats!

For new readers of my article

I have used this website to get accurate stats. The population shown below are from the server reset time on Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.

I also have another article series running that focuses on the population statistics of one country at the time. Click the links below to view them. To request a country go onto the latest article (eBrazil) and comment on which country I should view next.


The next Focus on Article will be written shortly. 🙂


Link to full table!

Click This table to see a bigger version of it.

This week the attention switched away from mainland Europe and Asia to the north of Europe with Poland sitting at the UK’s doorstep. Poland finally decided to attack and a lot of battles have occurred in this area in the last few days. This will be explained in more detail in the Winner and Loser section which I can imagine you know who it will be.


The Winner this week is Poland. As many of you will know Poland have been sitting in Norway for a while. Their intentions were unsure for a while but after a few days it was expected that they were getting ready to attack Scotland so that they could get through to the USA and Canada to gain high resources just before Version 2. This week Poland attacked Scotland just before the server reset and managed to deal an impressive 2-3 million damage points during that time. The battle was lost and Poland got ready to go through Ireland to get to Canada/USA. However; the UK have been able to stop their progress for now but it is still unsure who will reign supreme after the battles in the next few days. Poland are winners this week because although they gained regions they also managed to get a baby boom out of the blue. They have used a Youtube video to get new citizens and it has worked very well. We are all aware of how well Poland does baby booms so I feel as if this could be another big one. Could Poland get back up to 55,000 citizens again? Only time will tell. Poland gained 2529 retaining its first place crown having a growth rate of 9.1% Congratulations Poland for your success this week.


The Loser this week is unfortunately the United Kingdom. (No; I’m not talking about the football). This week Poland attacked Scotland and managed to take it with its impressive tanking out damaging the UK and it’s 12 MPPs. An attempt to block Poland was made by Mr Woldy by region swapping the Netherlands over to Scotland; unfortunately a bug occurred and Scotland couldn’t be retreated meaning that Poland were still unblocked and able to attack both the UK and the Netherlands. The USA got involved too attacking the South West of England which was in the Netherlands possession from the Region swaps. This battle is still ongoing and I expect the conflict to continue for at least another week or so. Yesterday the UK declared war to Ireland to gain the Canadian region it had taken. This region is very important to Poland’s interests as it allows them to get to the North American continent. This week the UK lost 1167 citizens moving down 5 places to 23rd. The contraction was 19.39%. I did not want to make my home country the loser this week but I had no other options. 🙁 In the future I hope I can make you winner UK as you are awesome. 😃 We will get our Baby boom soon.

If you want Mr Woldy’s perspective on the situation (He explains it better than me) read it here. 🙂


As you can see from this graph the top 20 countries are shown. Using this graph you can clearly identify where the biggest changes are. Significant blips are explained briefly below:

Poland - baby boom
Serbia - Dead babies from baby boom
Brazil - Dead babies from baby boom
Italy – Gained regions from Spain

United Kingdom – Lost regions to Poland, USA and Netherlands
Venezuela – Lost regions to Spain
Peru – Congress elections suspicious boom (Might be a baby boom; but I’ve heard reports of Multi accounts during the latest elections)

The Countries that stand out from this graph are:
Mexico – Lost Regions to Spain
Switzerland – Gained regions back from Hungary
Austria – Lost regions from Hungary/Slovenia
North Korea – Gained regions

Active Citizens

Using a census website I was able to find the amount of citizens that are above 40 wellness and are currently employed. The table below gives us an opportunity to see which countries have high active rates. This also shows which baby booms have been effective and which have not.

- Estonia have been beaten to number one spot this week by Finland. This week Finland climbed up with a 63.59% active rate. This is a very good activity rate with 3 in every 5 considered “Active”.

- The lowest active citizen percentage is Israel with 20.96% This is nearly half a percentage less than last week. This is a worrying figure for Israel.

- Poland continues to move up and take first place off of Serbia in this list. This is because of their baby boom this week.

Other Notes

- USA have overtaken Brazil to be third. Brazil are slowly moving down the list.

- I failed to predict that Poland would have another baby boom. The gap between Poland and Serbia is now 7108; just over 4000 more than last week.

- Poland and Italy gained over 1000 citizens this week. Congrats!

- Seven Countries lost over 1000 citizens this week. These countries are Russia, France, Venezuela, Spain, United Kingdom, Serbia and Brazil.

- Overall this week the new world lost 9323 Citizens with a contraction of -2.87%. We are back to the loss we had two weeks ago. I think (and I hope) we should eventually be able to get back to positive figures. Especially if people are returning to play Version 2 of Erepublik.

Phoenix Versus EDEN

This section in my article look as the member count of each alliance, with both official and unofficial members included. Analysis of this is shown below.

These tables show the different countries in the two major Alliances Phoenix and EDEN. From this you can see that:

- Latvia were kicked out of Phoenix meaning that this week EDEN looks as if it’s catching up with Phoenix on all levels.

- Poland’s Baby boom has helped them improve EDEN’s Population count a lot. This week’s gains equivilate to one or two small countries total population count.

- These figures still show that Phoenix is leading the way in regards to Population and active population.

Quick Stats

These links direct to other tables, each of these tables show the top 5 of each category. 🙂

Biggest Population Change

Highest Growth and Contraction

Highest Active Citizens Count and Percentage


Congrats to Ernst von Jacob for winning last weeks contest. I will send you your Q5 Weapon shortly. I used a random number generator to get the result. There were 72 unique comments this week, a record for my paper. 😃

As always be sure to Vote, Comment and Subscribe to this newspaper! A comment will give you a chance to win a Q5 Weapon next week! If you're really cool you'd shout this newspaper out so I get more votes and comments! 😃

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Oh. Also join the eUK forums. They're cool.