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3 Nap 798, 11:29 Megjelenés helye: Singapore Singapore

If we have PTOers in our country we need to prepare. We have two in congress and that can’t be good, so we need to prepare. How, well ill leave that to the people who know what could happen.

több »

i am not a pto

2 Nap 798, 10:45 Megjelenés helye: Singapore Singapore

My erep life. Was born in eUK, after 4 weeks mover to eozzie, on jan 17th or maby earlier or l8r i mover to esing. I am not a pto’r, the only vote for congress was from myself, that just show’s how bad i am.
btw, whats a pto?

több »

a vote for me is a vote for....

1 Nap 797, 09:26 Megjelenés helye: Singapore Singapore

if you vote for me, you are a fool ,i dont know anything, only how 2 anoy country leaders, so if u want a war, vote for me. and help eUK!!!!!!!!!

több »


8 Nap 795, 03:43 Megjelenés helye: Singapore Singapore

I am rewriting what i want to do when I’m in congress. I have now looked on the forums, and have decided what i will try to do.
My fist aim will be to lower taxes on food, guns, gifts, moving tickets and houses. i would like to see them all at 20%

több »

My apologies.

2 Nap 794, 11:44 Megjelenés helye: Singapore Singapore

Since I moved to eSingapore I have provoked arguments and insulted people. I would like to apologise to the whole current congress, and every citizen who has read my newspaper. I didn’t mean to annoy or upset any one and if I did I’m sorry, it’s

több »