
Day 795, 03:43 Published in Singapore Switzerland by Dan/naD Wilshire

I am rewriting what i want to do when I’m in congress. I have now looked on the forums, and have decided what i will try to do.
My fist aim will be to lower taxes on food, guns, gifts, moving tickets and houses. i would like to see them all at 20% import tax and 10% income tax. In doing this it will help with my 2nd aim.

My 2nd aim is to increase eSings population to 420 people. In mid January it was about that, but now it has declined to 394 from when I last checked, and i would like to have it rise around 5-10%.

My 3rd aim is to increase how much is in our treasury. I would like to see the gold rise up to around 15- 20 gold, and 7-10 thousand eSing dollars.

My 4th aim is to get into congress, well that my first but oh well.

this is probably no better than the first so lol