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welcome to the United News Company

Merry Christmas

1 Dan 765, 11:31 Objavljeno u USA USA

Since its Christmas in Nearly half the eWorld. Merry Christmas To all of you. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. Don't forget to vote Tomorrow for Congress.

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Election Tomorrow

1 Dan 765, 05:31 Objavljeno u USA USA

I am running for Congress in DC for more on my speech and what i will do for America go to my link

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MY FINAL SPEECH for Congress BID in DC

1 Dan 764, 10:36 Objavljeno u USA USA

Well folks, it's that time of the month again, and by that I mean it's time for Congressional elections! I intent for running for congress in DC. I love to help the people and that's what i want to do. Since the UIP is not one of the 5 largest

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1 Dan 762, 16:54 Objavljeno u USA USA

Who thinks we should have eMarriage in eRepublik. Wouldnt that be random. Its just a random thought eMarriage.

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Your opinion - Comment

0 Dan 761, 17:47 Objavljeno u USA USA

Just comment and tell me your opinion about the US.

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