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BattalGazi Back from the dead

5 Dan 797, 12:26 Objavljeno u USA USA

Idk if you seen this but one of Phoenix prized leaders is back. HE was banned several weeks ago for mulitple accounting. But as of 7 hours ago he is back. How the heck do you go from being banned to being Unbanned. I think its all about our War with

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IF you are in the UIP Read

0 Dan 795, 11:11 Objavljeno u USA USA

The UIP is in dire need of citizens to join our MVP (Mobile Voting Program). If you are in the UIP go … čitaj više »

CrayolaButthole for the Great State of Wyoming!!!!

2 Dan 791, 15:02 Objavljeno u USA USA

CrayolaButthole For Wyoming

Well folks, it's that time of the month again, and by that I mean it's time for Congressional elections! I intent for running for congress in Wyoming. I … čitaj više »

My Candidacy for Congress

0 Dan 788, 09:41 Objavljeno u USA USA

CrayolaButthole For Wyoming

Well folks, it's that time of the month again, and by that I mean it's time for Congressional elections! I intent for running for congress in Wyoming. I love to help the people and that's what i want to do. … čitaj više »

Party Presdient Results

1 Dan 787, 08:40 Objavljeno u USA USA

As soon as all the PP are announced we will have the results

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