Ambijent uključi/isključi

Stance of Czech Republic

5 Dan 644, 01:21 Objavljeno u Germany Germany

You may or may not know, that Czech Republic signed NAP with Poland. I as president of Czech Republic value this Polish act as an act of friendship. However I was criticized that I approve Polish actions in neighbor Germany by signing this NAP. So I

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NAP proposal

6 Dan 640, 08:14 Objavljeno u Czech Republic Czech Republic

Congressmen please vote if you agree with following law about NAP. Others please stay out of this.

It is through this Non-Aggressive Pact that … čitaj više »

Co se děje v naší zemi / What is happening in our country

6 Dan 640, 02:31 Objavljeno u Czech Republic Czech Republic

Jak jste si mohli všimnout, válka mezi USA a PEACE i nadále pokračuje a my jsme zůstali věrně na straně USA. Mnozí to už vyslovili nahlas a toto není neutralita.
Pro ty, co to stále nechápou, tak momentálně podporujeme USA - bojujeme za ní.

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Nemocnice / Hospital

4 Dan 634, 11:59 Objavljeno u Czech Republic Czech Republic

Dnes byla podepsána smlouva na novou Q5 nemocnici, která bude nainstalována v Severních Čechách. Na smlouvu se můžete podívat zde.

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Standpoint of eCZ

2 Dan 629, 12:18 Objavljeno u Venezuela Venezuela

Standpoint of eCZ

I ,Nicneumel, president of eCZ would like to publish standpoint of eCZ policy.

The Czech Republic is traditional neutral nation and we are always looking to improve relations with other countries. We have strong ties with USA

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