Ambijent uključi/isključi

Same work, more benefits, more opportunities [TCO]

20 Dan 836, 10:33 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

Wages for a skill 5 land worker lists at $6.50 as of the time of publishing this article. What if you could earn the equivalent of $9 a day instead. Would you be interested?

The Crimson Order offers

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The cure for (economic) Depression [WGC]

6 Dan 836, 10:27 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

Can we talk about The Great Depression now? What started out as a contraction in the markets due to oversupply has morphed into a global collapse.

One great culprit in this scenario is Gold... the hoarding of it and the need for it for things

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What REALLY happened to end the war with the UK!

13 Dan 821, 11:09 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

(link to larger image)čitaj više »

The most exciting career in the New World [PL/ENG]

10 Dan 792, 19:07 Objavljeno u Poland Poland

Thank you for voting and please scroll down for English version. A special thank you to Adasko for his translation services.

(Poszukujemy członków płynnie mówiących w wielu językach, by pomóc przy integracji międzynarodowych rekrutów. čitaj više »

The Crimson Tide: Be a Soldier

34 Dan 784, 11:16 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

If working at your daily grind and playing puppet politics is not enough for you? There may be an alternative.

Having … čitaj više »