Ambijent uključi/isključi

Economy: The survival of Canada's youngest citizens

12 Dan 876, 08:11 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

We have all heard the tune...

"Salaries are too low,
salaries are too high.
Prices are too low,
prices are too high."

Which of those lines are true and which are false?

We have crunched some numbers here at the

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Fast Forward: 100 days of future Canadian history

20 Dan 875, 11:56 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

New World Day 989: Despite growing concern that he has been in power too long, Derek Harland is re-elected for a 5th term on a platform of & … čitaj više »

Collected Wisdoms: Assorted thoughts from a veteran to younger citizens

6 Dan 874, 07:56 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

After 486 days of life in the New World, what have I learned? Enough to share these collected pieces of wisdom.

These are not new thoughts, most veterans could tell as much if not more.


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[CP] The Myths of the Titanium Dream

11 Dan 873, 20:24 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

There is a large focus right now on V2 for all the wrong reasons. Instead of piling on to that debate, allow me to revisit the top news story of last week... and the one that will once again be tops next week, or in the very near future: Titanium.

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Canada's Eight Media Moguls

15 Dan 872, 16:38 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

How does one become a Media Mogul? I have asked the question before and sought to provide some answers. Today I've decided to take a closer look at Canada's very own moguls, eight in number, wanting to see if there were any common characteristics.

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