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[PotUS] Pacifica Triumphs

38 Dan 3,442, 16:19 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize


This has been quite a month for both our nation and our alliance. Our nation has seen it’s first high-risk, offensive conflict in a long time. Just as well, our alliance has come together … čitaj više »

[PotUS] So Much Winning, Folks

26 Dan 3,437, 22:43 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Dearest Americans,

This has been an extremely successful and fun week for the United States, and the citizens that make up our great nation. We have seen a successful airstrike, epic battles, the … čitaj više »

[PotUS] Smooth Landing

21 Dan 3,433, 15:48 Objavljeno u USA USA Analiza ratovanja Analiza ratovanja


Yesterday was a tense and action-packed day for our nation, like we haven’t experienced in a long time. I woke up at 7am CST, with my laptop open and a whole day of battle-watching ahead … čitaj više »


56 Dan 3,433, 14:47 Objavljeno u Serbia Serbia Analiza ratovanja Analiza ratovanja

Yesterday, when the United States attacked Ukraine, we had support from many of our MPP allies. I expected … čitaj više »

[PotUS] Operation: U-Who?

66 Dan 3,430, 22:04 Objavljeno u USA USA Analiza ratovanja Analiza ratovanja

Thanks for the name, Arrden 😘

The Borderlands.

The Frontier.

Little Russia.

That blob of resources between Russia and Romania.

Whatever you’d like to call it, the … čitaj više »