Ambijent uključi/isključi

New record!!!!

5 Dan 547, 14:03 Objavljeno u Romania Romania

Elan Vital organization is proud to announce that the Q1 grain company is the biggest one in the New World!!!
199 employees 🙂

There are another 2 companies: but they are in the Adminlandia. Another world where the products are not used.


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Un nou record marca Elan Vital & eliberator !!!

8 Dan 546, 11:47 Objavljeno u Romania Romania

Inca de prin vremea beta nu am mai reusit sa am atat de multi angajati la firmele mele din Romania.
La ora cand scriu articolul firma de grau q1 are 165 de angajati

Firma de[url=http://

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Israel, Fight and increase your wellness and rank!!!

0 Dan 543, 14:37 Objavljeno u Israel Israel

Keep your wellness highest as possible!!!

Don't let this war unused!!!

Fight with weapons such as you will be able to increase faster

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Make Houses not Weapons!!!

21 Dan 543, 03:51 Objavljeno u Romania Romania

Trebuie sa incepem constructia de case.
Putem foarte simplu sa ne trecem totul pe case (adica wood si construction). Avem oameni foarte avansati cu skill in land. Ungurii nu au. Oprim productia de Iron si ma voi intreba de unde vor mai lua ei fier

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I have to go to Romania.

4 Dan 542, 23:34 Objavljeno u Israel Israel

eliberator is no longer a congress member.
one minute ago

Sorry guys, but I feel that I have to leave Israel, at least for moment! In Romania there are harsh times right now!!! … čitaj više »