Ambijent uključi/isključi

Kadima - new Party president

6 Dan 567, 19:54 Objavljeno u Israel Israel

I'm the new party president of Kadima.

How that happened? The former party president was banned because of babysitting some of her friends are now at military service!
Don't know how, and don't know why, but it seems that for the next 5 days, I'

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Politica monetara

4 Dan 558, 03:20 Objavljeno u Romania Romania

De ce a crescut valoarea monedei asa de brusc? Valoarea monedei a crescut brusc deoarece a aparut un articol in presa (rog pe cei care stiu linkul catre acel articol sa mi-l trimita pe privat ca sa-l adaug in articol).

Care sunt efectele acestei

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Government Run Companies

8 Dan 558, 00:03 Objavljeno u Israel Israel

If Government is running some companies, I would like to have some 'law' which will set up the salaries of those people, and also applying to such companies should be either free for all, either skill-based!!!

Sadeh Badeh, please make an article

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SN Constructii Speciale

12 Dan 557, 23:53 Objavljeno u Romania Romania

Sunt oarecum indignat de faptul ca aceasta organizatie care apartine tarii, care functioneaza din banii publici, scoate gold din tara cumparand lemn de la straini.
SN Constructii Speciale ar putea foarte usor sa cumpere lemn produs in Romania, care

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Who is Official Bank Of Israel???

6 Dan 556, 23:09 Objavljeno u Israel Israel

They have just stolen gold from the treasury!!
Is this IWP???
IWP is stealing money from the people of Israel?

I can't trust anymore IWP party. There are a lot of impostors there!!!

Sadeh Badeh, what do you have to say about this?

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