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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies

[TemujinCP] Final Address: A Message to Wes Lewis

60 Dan 1,142, 15:33 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

Some Theme Music

Early man walked away as modern man took control
Their minds weren't all the same, to conquer was his goal
So he built his great empire, and he slaughtered his own kind
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[TemujinCP] I've lost the endorsements of DAL and EPIC.

43 Dan 1,141, 20:12 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

An unfortunate disaster occured when Addy Lawrence switched his MOO party endorsement from me to Aeriala. I lost the endorsements of DAL and EPIC when I switched out of MOO back to DAL. It wasn't until tonight that it was pointed out to me, and it

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Order of Canada Awards - December 2010

35 Dan 1,139, 23:13 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

It is my great honor to announce the recipients of the Order of Canada for the month of December, 2010. The Order of Canada is a traditional award of merit that is granted on the eCanada Forums. Recipients

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[TemujinCP] Give Me a Second Go - Elect TemujinBC on Jan 5th

61 Dan 1,139, 13:00 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

A little theme music to set the mood

Give me a second go,
Dont let me go alone
You saw me at the worst,
You caught me falling first
All I wanted to know,
Give me a second go

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[TemujinCP] Announcement

52 Dan 1,129, 21:09 Objavljeno u Canada Canada

I apologize to each and every Canadian who has asked "WTF" over the past week or so.

We will get our regions back.

Canada has sacrificed a lot for our allies.

We will get our regions back.

Welcome back to the map, Australia.

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