[TemujinCP] Give Me a Second Go - Elect TemujinBC on Jan 5th

Day 1,139, 13:00 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC
A little theme music to set the mood

Give me a second go,
Dont let me go alone
You saw me at the worst,
You caught me falling first
All I wanted to know,
Give me a second go


Dear friends,

On January 5th, please consider voting for TemujinBC.

What a month it has been. On December 5th, you elected me President of Canada. At the time we had half our country occupied by France and the UK. An attack on Ontario occured and we were facing some pretty grim prospects. Together, with help from our AmeriBros and Eden friends, the tide began to turn until all our regions were free. Since then, we've been able to help our allies overseas (sacrificing some regions to France again in the process). We've made new friends in Latin America. We've watched as Phoenix dissolves, seen the emergence of a potential new alliance called PanAm, and strengthened ties with Eden.

The promised Baby Boom continues. I agree that progress has been much slower than I would have liked, but the groundwork has been laid. The most excellent New Citizen's Welcome Message was been approved by congress this term, and our new citizens are giving a wealth of information upon joining the game. I like to give Kronos Q a hard time, but with this new citizens message he's really done a marvelous work. If you haven't thanked him for his efforts, you really ought to. This thing greatly enhances Canada's ability to retain new citizens.

The eCanadian Assistance Program, led by Crisfire (who I also happen to give a hard time too) is ready to assist new Canadians at a moment's notice. Funding for this initiative will be critical in January and beyond.

The CAF and TCO will never be at peace. But, at least they aren't at each others throats 😁 I said during last month's campaign that there had to be a sacrifice, and there was. I'd like to think Canada's military might is better off now than it was a month ago. If nothing else, the trollfest which once dominated the media has been noticeably less trollish.

We have had peace talks with France, and I'm optimistic that we may be able to close this war soon. However, there is mistrust on both sides, and concerns in our congress (as well as France's congress) about the future. At this time, there remains a threat of serious invasion at any moment. I am the only candidate that can guarantee Canada will not be wiped. With TemujinBC as President, Canada may lose some regions, but we will not see the end of our country.

There will continue to be game changes in the future, as the Admins make the switchover to the new economic module. Canada is both fortunate and lacking in this area. We have a High Iron resource in Quebec, but we lack High Grain. This issue must be addressed and resolved if Canada ever wishes to see grow in the economic sector. This will be a high priority for me in my second term.


TemujinBC's Cabinet

God-King: Adam Sutler
High Priest: Alucard Reborn

President: TemujinBC
First Lady: Fargaz

Vice-President: Samuel Brouillette

Presidential Advisors: Irontoader

Minister of Defence: JSBoutin
Deputy Mo😨 Danster9987

Minister of Finance: Etemenanki
Assistant: Addy Lawrence
Assistant: Nucksalltheway

Minister of Education: Crisfire
Assistants: To be confirmed

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Martel
Assistant: Nathan Slater: Nathan Slater
Other Assistants to be confirmed.

Some notes on my Cabinet: Sam B has been a trusted advisor and friend all month. There are many players who can fulfill the role of VP, but I've developed a good friendship with Samuel, and I couldn't imagine having anyone else on the ticket with me. His activity levels on IRC make me look like a two-clicker. His efforts to defend Canada and the expenses incurred in battle make him a true hero. There will be increased attention paid to Finance. With the addition of Addy Lawrence to the team, and with Nucksalltheway available, we will analyze the monetary market and begin making profitable investments to increase the wealth of our nation. At the MoD position, JSBoutin was thrust into the job last month, as Raw784 had a death in the family which prevented him from committing to the job. Chucky Norris was also unavailable, and my other choice (Acacia Mason) went bat-sh*t insane and has not been seen since he wondered off to the desert mumbling something about a Shibileth. JSBoutin took the reins, his efforts this past month have been exemplary.

This article has long passed tl;dr territory, so I will end it here. Please consider voting for me on January 5th. Thank you very much.

Hugs and Kisses,
