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VISA MEDAL - Just For you guys, Have Fun!

10 1,466 jour, 03:26 Published in Poland Poland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Yes, i know that several journalists have already write about this but today i had a look (just for curiosity)at the participants of the Visa Medal Challange

For that bunch of guys that still do not know it:

[img]http://[/img] … en savoir plus »

A suggestion to you admin: a little effort for great results!

12 1,434 jour, 08:28 Published in Poland Poland Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

Dear admin,

In an economic environment in which players survive only if they have advantaged countries cs, and others of small nations, or are intended to emigrate (thus losing part of national ownership and a sense of belonging to a micro-

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[TRP] Are u tired about e-republik common way to play? Join The HMC EN-ITA

6 1,336 jour, 07:54 Published in Poland Poland Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik


The Holy Monk's Creed is a clique of young and old of eRepublik Players who wanted to fight boredom by administrators of the game and are ready to do anything

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[TRP] Che ce ne facciamo di sti ITL?

16 1,294 jour, 02:09 Published in Italy Italy Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

Cari lettori del Post,

premesso che sicuramente i buyerbot continuano ad esistere altrimenti non si spiegherebbe oltre questa tremenda inflazione a livello mondiale poichè … en savoir plus »

[TRP] Vecchia inettitudine nel fare impresa

25 1,289 jour, 02:58 Published in Italy Italy Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

Cari lettori del Post,

quelli tra voi più affezionati al mio giornale sono abituati di tanto in tanto a leggere pesanti invettive da parte mia sull'idiozia che caratterizza gli … en savoir plus »