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Official newspaper of MoD Israel

Battle orders day 1,332 | פקודות קרב יום 1,332

6 1,332 jour, 12:22 Published in Israel Israel Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

This is the offical eIDF Newspaper used for giving out orders and messages from the army.
The eIsraeli Defence Forces is the offical army of eIsrael. current rav aluf … en savoir plus »

Battle orders day 1,328- Don't fight in Beersheba! | פקודות קרב יום 1,328

12 1,328 jour, 09:09 Published in Israel Israel Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

This is the offical eIDF Newspaper used for giving out orders and messages from the army.
The eIsraeli Defence Forces is the offical army of eIsrael. current rav aluf … en savoir plus »

Battle orders day 1,326 | פקודות קרב יום 1,326

11 1,326 jour, 07:26 Published in Israel Israel Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

This is the offical eIDF Newspaper used for giving out orders and messages from the army.
The eIsraeli Defence Forces is the offical army of eIsrael. current rav aluf … en savoir plus »

Battle orders Day 1320 הוראות קרב יום

6 1,320 jour, 07:15 Published in Israel Israel Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

Warriors of eIsrael!

Fighters should try to keep the slider on Israel's side

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Battle orders Day 1314 הוראות קרב יום

4 1,314 jour, 05:25 Published in Israel Israel Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

Warriors of eIsrael!

DO NOT fight in eIsrael Resistance Wars.

Contact your Seren or Mlitary Unit for orders

On behalf of the Nation of eIsrael

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