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Official newspaper of MoD Israel

[Update]Battle Orders Day 1.460 / פקודות קרב

9 1,460 jour, 06:43 Published in Israel Israel Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

This is the official Ministry of Defense Newspaper used for announcements, messages and giving out orders from the ministry of en savoir plus »

Battle Orders Day 1.457 / פקודות קרב

12 1,457 jour, 08:21 Published in Israel Israel Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

This is the official Ministry of Defense Newspaper used for announcements, messages and giving out orders from the ministry of en savoir plus »

Battle Orders Day 1.456 / פקודות קרב

9 1,455 jour, 18:52 Published in Israel Israel Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

This is the official Ministry of Defense Newspaper used for announcements, messages and giving out orders from the ministry of en savoir plus »

Battle Orders Day 1.455 / פקודות קרב

19 1,454 jour, 10:36 Published in Israel Israel Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

This is the official Ministry of Defense Newspaper used for announcements, messages and giving out orders from the ministry of en savoir plus »

[Ministry of Defense] Military Unit Guide / מדריך ליחידות צבאיות

14 1,452 jour, 13:27 Published in Israel Israel Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

Hebrew :

הצטרפות ליחידה צבאית

כל אזרח שמעוניין להצטרף ליחידה צבאית צריך שתהיה לו אזרחות של מדי … en savoir plus »