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Αποτελέσματα εκλογών 15ης Οκτωβρίου

13 696 jour, 07:54 Published in Greece Greece

Εθνικό Ενωτικό Κίνημα (314 ψήφοι, 39.25😵

1. Trelo Gavros 45.86%
3. markos28 9.24%

Εθνικιστικό Μέτωπο (183 ψήφοι, 22.88😵

1. Peny 83.06%
2. smokiie 8.74%

Ένωση Δημοκρατικής Αριστεράς (201 ψήφοι, en savoir plus »

Μια ματιά στις εκλογές (Update 21:00)

15 695 jour, 09:00 Published in Greece Greece

Ποσοστιαία τα μέλη της Ελληνικής κοινότητας μέχρι τις 21:00 ώρα Ελλάδος επέλεξαν να ψηφίσουν στις εσωκομματικές εκλογές των πιο κάτω κομμάτων:

Eθνικό Ενωτικό Κίνημα 235 ψήφους (37.6😵
Εθνικιστικό Μέτωπο 150 ψήφους (24😵
Ένωση Δημοκρατικής

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Allied Presidents

26 678 jour, 23:34 Published in Greece Greece

With this presidential term ending soon let's take a look to these twelve great leaders of the allied forces. During their terms we manage to throw PEACE out of the United States, free Spain, get Turkey out of the last occupied Greek regions, crush

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Election results in countries were PEACE attempted PTOs

10 676 jour, 10:03 Published in Greece Greece

Bosnia (eBosnia 27 - eSerbia 13)
Bosnia was the main target of the Serbian PTO attempt. Approximately 150 volunteers from allied countries traveled to BiH, received the Bosnian citizenship and voted for the real Bosnian candidates. A clear … en savoir plus »

Dear Turkey, the harder you try...

109 673 jour, 14:20 Published in Greece Greece

Fourty days ago you decided to declare a war against Greece, letting us know that we will "be

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