Election results in countries were PEACE attempted PTOs

Day 676, 10:03 Published in Greece Greece by Constantinos
Bosnia (eBosnia 27 - eSerbia 13)
Bosnia was the main target of the Serbian PTO attempt. Approximately 150 volunteers from allied countries traveled to BiH, received the Bosnian citizenship and voted for the real Bosnian candidates. A clear victory for the Allies and a clear defeat for PEACE.

Moldavia (eMoldavia 28 - PEACE 12)
A strong PEACE attempt to take over Moldavia failed miserably. 600 allies supported the right of the small Moldavian community to govern themselves.

Norway (eNorway 22 - PEACE 12)
One of our oldest (and smallest) allies, Norway, was also targeted by PEACE. This PTO attempt wasn't very well organized (or officially supported) and easily failed. About 20 allied volunteers were enough to make sure our victory would be clear.

North Korea (eNK 6 - eRussia 4)
Almost 200 allies moved to North Korea to support the real government against the Russian PTO. While the Russians collected more votes than the NK government candidates, the allies manage to organize better and control the congress.

Denmark (eDenmark 14 - eSerbia 6)
While we were busy with the PTO attempts against the allied countries, a handful of volunteers manage to travel to the neutral Denmark in support of the official government of the country. It was a close race but the Danish people manage to stay in control of their congress.

Result: 0/5 for PEACE