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Aprendizaje del juego. Game Learning.

A guide to martial arts

9 2,336 jour, 03:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

A guide to martial arts

This article is based on my own personal opinion and, even,
experiences, take it lightly, as anything coming from me.

The best thing that anyone can say about martial arts is that they
open your views about some

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The ten TUP lies

15 2,308 jour, 07:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

The ten TUP lies

Regarding the recent events of e-parliamentary e-histeria is good to
remember some well founded lies, inocculated by the simple method of

1. TUP guarantees a stable and sensible foreign policy.

I have seen

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Guide to decency

9 2,307 jour, 08:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Guide to decency

Well, I am back to eUK. As you may remember, I tend to write heavy
and thought provoking articles, with lots of hindsight, well, here you
are this one.

Recently, some parties in a rather prussian junker-ish style have

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And then... revisited

8 2,302 jour, 11:24 Published in Spain Spain Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Mensaje de lizan:

You are banned from the channel #enigma_eradio

No jodas, que tengo una entrevista en 15 min


Respuesta de Alphabethis:

and then ?

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The old TWO alliance

6 2,256 jour, 14:33 Published in Spain Spain Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

According to the admins i have been flaming in ma past article???
Flaming actually means verbally insulting someone on the internet!!! How is giving a guy justice flaming!!! This guy lost his real life hard earned money!!! I dont think i have been

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