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Aprendizaje del juego. Game Learning.


13 2,359 jour, 11:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Principles to Observe

These are the 11 principles to observe to become a decent player:

1. You will respect others as you'd like to be respected.

2. You won't feel superior regardless your experience, richness or number
of friends in game.

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The triumph of Divine Providence

16 2,349 jour, 16:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Well, months of suspicions, theories, feebly grounded asserts have
been uncovered by the final internal TUP civil war.

As in the image, the

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Courtesy from Wayne

21 2,347 jour, 13:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

16:40] lol
[16:40] i'm coming back to the UK now
[16:40] lol
[16:40] i'm not really that bothered about this election
[16:40] you have no need to be
[16:41] xD
[16:41] though MWC

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I, goat

10 2,344 jour, 12:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I, goat

Struck by a thunder of luck, finally I coped to interview one of the
most evasive, yet, deep thought provoking and interesting minds of our
political landscape: Kevin the goat.

(æ for Alphabethis, K for Kevin. )

æ - It's … en savoir plus »

A call to calm

11 2,342 jour, 13:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

A call to calm

Suspicions about New Era treachery in the PTO attempts by tiny groups
of "Show people" have revived old "feelings", mostly baseless.

New Era has had its up and downs, and it was 'essentially' good for a
long … en savoir plus »