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Fair and biased news coverage since February 2011! Please forgive us if a Fusion Accident occurs.

A month begins

12 1,109 jour, 21:15 Published in Japan Japan

This is my first month back in the Imperial Diet since my retirement. The term started slow, with forum maintenance delaying the opening of debate for close to half a week. When the forums returned and the Diet did convene, I [url=http://

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To contend with the gods

9 1,100 jour, 20:21 Published in Japan Japan

I was surprised and humbled to note that my opposition for the Kyushu elections to the Imperial Diet includes none other than the queen of the heavens, Amaterasu-ōmikami herself.


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one woman's manifesto

12 1,099 jour, 21:09 Published in Japan Japan

As a candidate for our Imperial Diet in the region of Kyushu, I hope to promote a government in accord with the following principles:

1. Upright Government: Government acting with honor both within the Empire and without, treating citizens

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Reflections from the front

11 1,095 jour, 21:16 Published in Japan Japan

When I look out upon the world and see the German mountains covered with Polish pink, Swedish blue, and Italian teal, I can almost doubt that we fight for a good cause, that our Righteous Nation is anything but hypocrisy, that our brotherhood has

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An Attempt at Realistic Idealism

16 1,083 jour, 20:14 Published in Japan Japan

It's been a while since many people in eJapan have talked about the Righteous Nation philosophy. I am as guilty as anyone. So I thought I'd write an article to discuss that philosophy, and my own thoughts on how its ideals would best be translated

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