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Congress and Party News.

British Army Updates/ Get 7q7

33 2,214 jour, 04:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

[url=http:/ … en savoir plus »

eUK Economy

10 2,206 jour, 06:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

quick re-edit

Just in case you never check the country's wealth , Here is the last 6 days daily income as you can see it has fallen from 5,697 to 2,377, but today is only part way though the day, so … en savoir plus »

Guess who is back

37 2,198 jour, 15:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

That is right the great game Guess Who is back in shops to buy this Christmas.

Who didn't like playing this game for 2 players before consoles where mainstream ?

Game Time 🙂

Now you can win

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Change gold limit admin

35 2,115 jour, 02:14 Published in Poland Poland Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

Dear Admin/ Plato

Please change the gold limit from 10 gold a day this is holding players back and forcing them to buy gold , when they have already spent loads on gold , seems unfair when you say on the home page

[IMG][/img] … en savoir plus »

British Army

2 2,107 jour, 02:53 Published in Poland Poland Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

[url=http:/ … en savoir plus »