British Army Updates/ Get 7q7

Day 2,214, 04:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grogu.

British Army Update:

After long talks, I sold the British Army unit and it was renamed to the Carebears2, This week on the shout board we asked members about the name change which everyone was happy with, so The Jedi Knights have now been renamed back to The British Army, which most was fighting in before:

War with France

War is upon us with our close friends France, Battles have started already please check your daily order:

Here are some updates and more information on the war.

Remember try not to waste damage , if the bar (wall) is over 55% try to hold back if you can.

British Army HQ

Commander Sir Winston Churchill
2nd Commander BigAnt
2nd Commander Hollenboer
Supplies Commander Dapper

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Need Extra supplies for the war ? Each British Army member please comment anything you wish and I'll send 7 q7 today.

Be The Best
Commander Dapper
British Army