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Currently running Historical events in Irish History

New Name, New President

3 Día 690, 17:21 Publicado en Bolivia Bolivia

In four days we will choose the next leader of our political parties. The party known as Partido Liberalita Boliviano is now known as Partido Liberalista. We have … leer más »

PLB supports dr. Boza Chaos for President.

11 Día 683, 15:27 Publicado en Bolivia Bolivia

BOLIVIAN ALTIPLANO, Bolivia--Partido Liberalista Boliviano is pleased to support dr. Boza Chaos for the next President of the nation of Bolivia. dr. … leer más »


11 Día 682, 07:57 Publicado en Bolivia Bolivia

by Anthony Colby

BOLIVIAN ALTIPLANO, Bolivia-- The Congress of the Nation of Bolivia is undertaking the work of setting the fundamental rules by which future laws of Bolivia will be created. A commission is being created to deceide just how new

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Presidential Election In Three Days

10 Día 681, 16:45 Publicado en Bolivia Bolivia

We will soon be voting for the next President of Bolivia. As of now there are no official candidates but the next few days will be full of presidential presentations and endorsements. Keep reading the Maine Frontier to keep up with breaking

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Active Congress?

13 Día 676, 16:07 Publicado en Bolivia Bolivia

After doing a little checking after reading the shout by XIIII (thanks XIIII) I have found that of the 40 Congress members in the new Congress, only 12 of them are registered on one of our two forums. There are three Congress members registered on

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