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Currently running Historical events in Irish History


11 Día 696, 18:04 Publicado en Bolivia Bolivia

BOLIVIA -- Once again it is time to choose who will represent the great people of Bolivia in the National Congress. Once again I have … leer más »

Partido Liberalista TO

12 Día 695, 16:16 Publicado en Bolivia Bolivia

BOLIVIA Altiplano, Bolivia - Today's election is not over Although showing that even when we think everything is going the right way we need to be on … leer más »

Colby Enterprises (Updated)

5 Día 694, 13:43 Publicado en Bolivia Bolivia

BOLIVIA Altiplano, Bolivia - Colby Enterprises is pleased to announce the aquisition of a quality one oil company in Indonesia. Colby Oil is up and running and has … leer más »

Hello from Bolivia.

1 Día 692, 17:27 Publicado en USA USA

Washington D.C., USA-- Yesterday marked the opening of the new Embassy from the Nation of Bolivia. Anthony Colby was appointed Ambassador to the USA from Bolivia. " I hope our two nations can work together in the spirit of peace and prosperity for

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Ambassador -Embajador

5 Día 691, 08:00 Publicado en Bolivia Bolivia

BOLIVIA Altiplano, Bolivia - I am pleased to announce that on Friday October 9, 2009 Anthony Colby, former Bolivian Minister of Health and two term congress member was … leer más »