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Welcome Mexico

40 Día 835, 11:34 Publicado en Mexico Mexico

I appologise i havent wrote earlier i wasnt here and ...
But i would like now to congratulate you on entering in Entente and showing Neutral alliance is possible in this eWorld.

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Entente countries are with You

37 Día 832, 16:37 Publicado en Chile Chile

[Traducción al español abajo]
"At 3:34 am local time, today, February 27th, a devastating magnitude 8.8 earthquake struck Chile, one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded. According to Chilean authorities,

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Entente, neutrality and friendship.

44 Día 805, 07:53 Publicado en Ukraine Ukraine

We all witness how gradually but steadily France is being liberated. We do thank its powerful allies from Phoenix. Two days ago Aquitaine, Upper Normandy and Pays de la Loire were … leer más »

[Italy] Battles Orders of day 797 - Welcome Paraguay !

20 Día 796, 16:34 Publicado en Italy Italy

People of the Entente ! Italian lands are under attack, time is come to prove to the world that we are stronger than they expect !

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[France] Battles Orders of day 797 - Welcome Paraguay !

16 Día 796, 16:34 Publicado en France France

People of the Entente ! Italian lands are under attack, time is come to prove to the world that we are stronger than they expect !

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