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Paper of Elite C. Article published on a regular basis.

5 Point Plan for Recovery

12 Día 1,990, 10:15 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Elite C's Five Point Plan for Recovery

1. Get the Brits out!
2. Get a Babyboom
3. Re-adjust our Income Tax for a fairer wage
4. Sign MPP's
5. Enjoy Ourselves


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Elite C - for a Stronger Ireland

36 Día 1,989, 10:36 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

So, guess what, I'm running for CP!!


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Thoughts on Our Current Battle

8 Día 1,986, 08:50 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

An official statement from the IFP President:

"While we shouldn't underestimate our opponents, we shouldn't worry ourselves overestimating them. If our battle in Louth is anything to go by, the right thing to do now would be to sign a peace

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Irish Freedom Party Congress Line-Up

2 Día 1,982, 10:22 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Well, as the month rolls round again we find ourselves at the Congress Elections again.

With MUFC banned and the left splitting it raises a question mark over our politics and who we are trusting.

The IFP plan to bring only the best to

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Deteriorating Presidential Election

39 Día 1,964, 13:13 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Well with one of the most boring Presidential Elections behind us lets have a look at stats from polling day and why Presidential Elections have lost all meaning.

First off, turnout was 26.4%. 156 people voted the lowest since March 2012

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