Irish Freedom Party Congress Line-Up

Day 1,982, 10:22 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite C

Well, as the month rolls round again we find ourselves at the Congress Elections again.

With MUFC banned and the left splitting it raises a question mark over our politics and who we are trusting.

The IFP plan to bring only the best to Ireland.

This month we have a mix of 11 candidates who were ordered following the criteria:
5 marks - AGE: Young players got 5 points while older player got 2.

30 marks - ACTIVITY: Members who are very active in the party and in Ireland joining the conversations got 30 marcs, while those who are 2 -clikers and turn up to vote got 2 marks.

15 marks - HISTORY: Players who were never members of Congress got 15 marks, those who served previous, but not this moneth got 10 marks, While those who served last month got 7. And those who have served 10+ times got 5.

Current List
1. CuFaoil [45]
2. LacticAcid [43]
3. 5n4keys [42]
4. taleisian [41]
5. Bhane [41]
6. micutzu [41]
7. Elite C [40]
8. Rikian1776 [38]
9. Caffeine Hit [36]
10. George Materasi [32]
11. destrose [30]