Ambiente de fondo si/no

Buna dimineata matzanesia

1 Día 549, 23:15 Publicado en Indonesia Indonesia

Va salut din nou in aceasta zi minunata de 23 mai.E o zi frumoasa afara,sper ca v-ati luat prosoapele si v-ati dus la plaja.E pacat sa locuiti intr-o tara as de frumoasa si sa nu va bucurati de beneficiile oferite.
Bun,acum ca am terminat cu

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16 Día 549, 05:18 Publicado en Indonesia Indonesia

Germans calling Romania.ROMANIA HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Romanians respon😛MATZA,Traitors;all tanks to Sweden&Poland on the double.
Germans calling INDONEZIANS.INDONESIA HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Indonesians respon😛garuda on you

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24 Día 549, 03:54 Publicado en Poland Poland

Germans calling Romania.ROMANIA HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Romanians respon😛MATZA,Traitors;all tanks to Sweden&Poland on the double.
Germans calling INDONEZIANS.INDONESIA HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Indonesians respon😛garuda on you

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37 Día 549, 02:54 Publicado en Sweden Sweden

Gemans calling Romania.ROMANIA HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Romanians respon😛MATZA,Traitors;all tanks to Sweden
Germans calling INDONEZIANS.INDONESIA HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Indonesians respon😛garuda on you germans.Traitors

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Buna dimineata matzanesia(operatiunea investitia)

10 Día 549, 01:05 Publicado en Indonesia Indonesia

In articolul de ieri ,am dat unele detalii priviind operatiunea Brazilia.
In urma lui am primit o gramada de mailuri cu mesaje de genul 😒a facem o caruta de bani,yeah we will be rich.
Sa stabilim un lucru oameni buni.Noi suntem investitori

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