Day 549, 03:54 Published in Poland Romania by oarecare

Germans calling Romania.ROMANIA HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Romanians respon😛MATZA,Traitors;all tanks to Sweden&Poland on the double.
Germans calling INDONEZIANS.INDONESIA HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Indonesians respon😛garuda on you germans.Traitors wakawakawaka. Give us back our hospital.
Germans calling Hungary.HUNGARY HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hungarians respon😛Meni haza German traitors. HAHAHAHAHA.everybody,except Zoli the troll, goes to Sweden and Poland.
Germans calling ITALIANS:ITALIANS HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Italian responce😛erdersi traditore .movimento per la Svezia i Polonia
Germany calling theocrats:HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Thocrats respond.The great Dio will destroy all traitors. Theocrats:everybody goes to POLAND
Germans calling USA. USA HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
USA respon😛We will come to help you.However we are the USA FAIL STATES.So don't expect much.
Germans calling Canada. CANADA HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Canada respon😛We will come,and we will help you defend against the Swedish agressor.Did we mention that our greatest fighter is a liutenant?
Germany calling UK.UK HELP!!!!!!!!
UK respon😛We will come and will bring the paras who did not have enough money to fight so they had to steal it from the czech republic.

So who will fight for Germany?