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The legendary prolific writings of MikeBane.

[eNL] - A Humble Request

8 Día 1,747, 10:04 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Órdenes de batalla Órdenes de batalla

May all eNL MU's please help eIreland in their war with ePoland? This match-up is obviously unbalanced and eIreland faces getting wiped. As a fellow member of Eden I believe it is our duty to fight along side our eIrish brethren and protect

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Short Introduction

13 Día 1,743, 08:08 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Hello, I am MikeBane.

I come to eNetherlands to make a new home, hopefully in a few weeks I can learn the history of this e-Nation and meet some of the fine folks who inhabit it. I'd greatly

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Short and Sweet

29 Día 1,733, 23:36 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Call me a prophet sent by thou most Holy eGod...

You will all be ruled by an elite class and anything ruled by elites is as democratic as George W. Bush.

[img]http://[/img] … leer más »

Three Important Messages

25 Día 1,731, 13:21 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Message to the I.C.A.

We understand you are not guilty of the crimes that "anti-ICA" articles might have mistakenly claimed you committed. We understand that most of the ICA are decent people or inactive for that matter. When … leer más »

Fail Article of the Week #1

36 Día 1,729, 09:52 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

In the spirit of the season, there will be one article picked out each week that just makes you want to bring you hand to your face over and over again.

The Grand Prize goes to...

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