Three Important Messages

Day 1,731, 13:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace
Message to the I.C.A.

We understand you are not guilty of the crimes that "anti-ICA" articles might have mistakenly claimed you committed. We understand that most of the ICA are decent people or inactive for that matter. When we spoke of the "ICA" we did not mean the ICA as a whole, but certain leaders and individuals who partook in traitorous acts against our eNation. Pardon all the misunderstandings that have taken place these past few days.

We ask you to join us, the People of eIreland, in helping restore your glory. The ICA did accomplish a lot of good, no one denies it, but certain people within the ICA have tarnished your good name. Here is what you can do:

1. Truly reform your Military Unit.
2. Look for new leadership, I am sure there are plenty of people with the will to lead.
3. Distance yourself from the unethical behaviors of the past that some individuals partook in or promise to cut down on it.

These are not demands, however, it would be a sign of progression and helping to reunite eIreland. We humbly ask.

Message to 'The Mafia' or 'Family' (or the remains of..)

You have done ill towards plenty of us, you have defended yourselves diligently, and your persistence is admirable. We will not forgive you for your crimes, but we will crucify the entity known as 'The Mafia" and 'The Family'. The ICA aren't your puppets you can toy with and use to defend your misdeeds.

Though you will never be forgotten, nor your deeds, we ask you to write a sincere public apology. Along with this be stripped of any Command you have in the ICA. After that, you may proceed to do as your wish. You can think of this as cleaning the slate, but with consequences.

There's a word that is probably not in your dictionary, consequences. You are not an all-powerful entity, you are not all-knowing, and you certainly are no different than any individual citizen of eIreland. We are all eIrish, start acting like it.

Message to the People of eIreland

It is time for us to take our country back. This is not a political war, this is social war. Do not tear eIreland apart, we are united as a people. 'The Mafia/Family' sees themselves and then us. Isn't eIreland supposed to be our eNation? Our, meaning collectively, the citizens of eIreland.

Stay strong, do not view this 'revolution' as disrupting progress. Use this time of disorder to rearrange order. May the only authority be of the People, whom we elect democratically! Do not tamper with other party's elections, do not insist that you are sole reason this country exists. It exists because we all have worked to make it exist.

We are in this struggle together, as one peoples. One united Eire..

Give us our country back!